If you’re an ATV enthusiast, you know that it can be hard to find places where you can legally ride. While there are rules and regulations you must abide by, there are also some great places where you can have a safe, legal ride. Here’s a list of seven great places to legally ride your ATV.
The Big 7
- National Forests – There are many national forests in the United States that offer trails for ATVs and UTVs. These trails usually require a permit or fee to use, so be sure to check with the local ranger station before heading out on your ride. Be aware that the terrain may vary greatly from one forest to another and that some trails will require more advanced riding skills than others.
- State Parks – Many state parks also offer trails for ATVs and UTVs. As with national forests, there are often fees and permits associated with these trails, so make sure to check with the park officials before heading out on your ride. Additionally, some states may have specific regulations regarding what type of vehicles are allowed in their parks, so be sure to check those as well.
- Private Property – If you’re lucky enough to own private property or know someone who does, then this is probably one of the best options for legal ATV riding available. Keep in mind that most states require owners of private property to post signs warning others not to trespass if they plan on riding on their land, so make sure all signage is up-to-date before taking off on your ride!
- Off-Highway Vehicle Areas – Many states have designated areas specifically for off-highway vehicle use like motorcycles and ATVs/UTVs (OHV*). These areas typically have marked trails suitable for all skill levels as well as safety regulations that must be followed while riding in them. Some OHV areas may also require riders to purchase special passes or permits in order to use them, so make sure you check those requirements before heading out on your ride!
Land Management Areas – Many land management areas allow off-highway vehicle use but they often require special passes or permits before riders can enter them. Be sure to research the area’s regulations thoroughly before attempting any rides within its boundaries as failing to do so could result in fines or other penalties!
Race Tracks – For those looking for more extreme terrain challenges, race tracks provide some of the toughest terrain available for riders looking for a challenge! Most race tracks will charge an admission fee but will also provide access to specialized equipment such as jumps and ramps designed specifically for racing purposes!
- Wilderness Areas – Wilderness areas are protected public lands set aside specifically for outdoor recreational activities like camping and hiking but many also allow off-highway vehicles (OHV) too! Before using an OHV in any wilderness area make sure you’re familiar with all local laws governing their use as penalties for illegal OHV use can range from fines up to jail time depending on severity of violation!
*An OHV is an off-highway vehicle. This includes dirt bikes, ATVs, side by sides and several others.
With a little bit of research and planning ahead of time it’s possible to find great places where you can legally enjoy your favorite sport—riding an ATV! From national forests and state parks all the way up through wilderness areas and race tracks, there are plenty of opportunities available across the United States where you can take advantage of legal riding opportunities near you! So grab your helmet and get ready—it’s time hit the trail!