When you take your ATV out for a spin, the last thing you want is for it to overheat. To prevent this from happening, many riders opt for either liquid cooling or air cooling systems. But which is better? In this blog post, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at the pros and cons of both liquid cooling and air cooling so that you can make an informed decision about what’s best for your ATV.
Liquid Cooling Pros:
Liquid cooling systems are more efficient than air cooling systems. The coolant used in liquid cooled engines is able to absorb heat more quickly than air, meaning that it can keep your engine running at a lower temperature than an air cooled system could. This means that there is less wear and tear on the engine parts, leading to a longer life span. Additionally, liquid cooled engines are quieter than their air cooled counterparts since there aren’t any fans running constantly to push air through the engine bay.
Liquid Cooling Cons:
The primary downside of liquid cooling systems is that they require more maintenance than air cooled engines do. The coolant needs to be changed regularly in order to keep the system functioning properly, and if there are any leaks or other malfunctions with the system then it will need to be repaired as soon as possible. Additionally, if a problem does occur with the liquid coolant then it may not be as easy to diagnose or fix as a problem with an air cooled engine would be.
Air Cooling Pros:
Air cooling systems are much simpler than their liquid cooled counterparts since they don’t require any coolant or additional components beyond a few fans. As such, they tend to be cheaper upfront and easier to maintain over time since there aren’t any hoses or radiators that need tending too regularly. Air cooled systems also tend to run cooler overall since there isn’t any additional heat being added by the coolant itself.
Air Cooling Cons:
One of the main drawbacks of an air cooled system is that it isn’t as efficient at keeping your engine running at low temperatures as a liquid cooled system would be. This means that your engine will tend to overheat more easily if you are pushing it hard in off-road conditions or when going up steep inclines for extended periods of time. Additionally, air cooled engines tend to be louder since they rely on fans running constantly in order to push enough airflow through the engine bay in order for it to stay cool enough while running hard or climbing hillsides.
Deciding whether an ATV should use a liquid cooling system or an air cooling system comes down largely personal preference and budget constraints – both have their advantages and disadvantages depending on how much maintenance you’re willing (and able) do perform on your vehicle’s motor and what type of performance you’re looking for out of your ATV’s motor over time. That being said – no matter which option you choose – regular maintenance is key! Be sure to check hoses regularly and change out fluids according necessary so that whichever type of cooling system you choose will continue performing optimally throughout its lifetime!